Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jaeger i have everything posted the only things i need to give you are the rough draft with the peer editing i will give you them on monday next week\

Thank you -Manuel

Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Draft FoR hiSTORY

Manuel Rodriguez
Ms. Jaeger
November, 6, 2011
Humanities: Global Advocates
The Silent but Deadly Slums
Slums can be stopped if more people knew about them and what they cause. Slums are basically areas of land that are of land that are missing basic life needs and sanitations.Slums are unknown to many people all around world and that is the problem of why slums exist and little to nothing is being due to fight the cause. That is because people are not going to support a cause that they have no heard of and that is why people do not take a stand on the topic. Slums are over populated areas of land that face many challenges like poverty, poor to no santation, and are causing many urban challenges all over the world. Poverty is the first point that will be discussed in this paper and what toll poverty takes in slums.
Poverty in slums is very common and is a very serious issue in the slum lifestyle because it is a lot of people in just one area of land where people are earning even lower than the minimum pay sometimes even lower than one dollar. Although they earn very little money they are usually doing better than then where they had been before. Even with the little money they have a lot of people in slums survive because slum life is very inexpensive. “Slums life is cheap (inexpensive) with less than a dollar you can survive and in Kiberia is a good place to live if you need to earn that dollar a day.” This means that people in slums live their because they do not earn a lot of money and they have to survive with that little amount of money, so that is why they live their, so they can have money left over in order to survive. Then if you are earning under a dollar you can not really afford much, so you have live a very cheap lifestyle. Another challenge they endure is that of poor sanitations in the slums.
Slum life comes with very sanitation because of the many inadequate challenges they face with the water and food in the area. “Muddy swamps of plastic bags obstruct the entrance to the latrine. It is a collection of what is know in slums as vernacular as (flying toilets)-flimsy bags filled with human waste.” So if the entrance too many homes in slums in the entrance then how do they have the inside and back yards if they even have a backyard. Then if those plastic bags get in the water that goes through out the whole slums water and it gets the bags the whole water of the slum will go bad. So basically if that same water is being used by the inhabitants and it is being covered with urine and human defecate not only is the condition of the water poor an unsanitary, but also full of diseases. Then if the people are living in slums because of inexpensive lifestyle and there is diseases then they can probably are not going to be able to afford medication. The sanitation in slums is very poor as it has been explained in the pargraph.The last challenge that will be mentioned in this paper is that slums are spreading and causing urban challenges all over the world.
Slums are causing urban challenges not just in slums or nearby areas, but everywhere in the world. This problem is affecting many countries governments because they have, yet to find a solution of how to stop the spreading of slums.” Solutions to the problems caused by urbanization of the world’s population are certantiley needed. The of even-larger cities alarms many governments around the world.” The problem with slums is that people do not know about as mentioned before and they can not take a stand and help out the cause. This made slum life a global problem and it then started causing urban challenges at the origin of the slums and they kept spreading until finally it was a global problem. The good thing is more people are finding out about the slums and are now helping to stop the slums from spreading.
If more people get aware of what slums are and what they cause the slums will decrease because people will actually be taking a stand. The poverty, poor santations, and urban challenges are some of the factors that take place in slums worldwide. All of these factors that slums cause can be stopped if more people joined the cause and helped out. Because nobody wants the future to be full of slums instead of some of the beautiful locations that are know all over the world and nobody wants to be known as the generation that messed up for all the future generations.
Table of Content
Blythe, Nils. “Mumbai’s slum life poses world problems.” BBC News Online. 29 Sept 2011.
Eaves, Elisabeth. “Two Billion Slum Dwellers.” 6 Nov. 2006. 29 Sept.2011.
Fink, Sheri. “Cities of the Poor 1: Life in the Slums (Kenya).” Public Radio International: The World. 29 Sept.2011.
“Urbanization.” World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. 29 Sept. 2011.>.